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Little Billie, Northern Saw-whet Owl
Updated 10/10/2023 1:40:08 PM 

Little Billie, the Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus

Northern Saw-whet Owls are part of the Strigidae family in the order Strigiformes.

Little Billie New youngster, the one-year old Northern Saw-whet Owl was struck by a car in Kalispell in January and came to us from Beth Watne and Montana Wild Wings Recovery Center, just placed on our USFWS Education (Possession) Permit. His right wing suffered a break and not flighted. Big shoes to fill after the loss of Saw-whet Owen in November, star here for 11 years in 600 programs. His name Little Billie was a joke at first but seems to fit, agreed upon by our Board.

FIRST program here at the Raptor Ranch. "Back Stage Pass" fan base with, Queensryche and Antrax lead singers Geoff Tate and Joey Belladonna, their third year here. Little Billie was the hero! (and Mischa.)

Here is a psychic story - We just had a fun visit by two volunteers from Montana Wild Wings, Jennifer Campbell and Leslie Mathern. They told me it was a fine tribute to name the owl after the woman that recovered him from the roadside, Billie. What? I just made that up and news to me! Wow, where did that come from...?

  • Date Acquired: 5/30/2023

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